School Holiday is approaching. Please place your order now to grab good prices.
200gm whipping cream
250gm cream cheese at room temperature.
30ml fresh @ uht Milk
80gm icing Sugar
18-20 sponge biscuits @ Saviordi @ ladyfingers
170ml instant coffee (I used 2in1 white coffee)
Cocoa powder for sprinkling.
30gm shaved chocolate for decoration
Strawberries if you like.
Cara membuatnya
1. Beat whipped cream till fluffy.
2. In another bowl beat cream cheese till soft.
3. Masukkan susu dan gula. Putar lagi hingga ringan
4. Campurkan whipping cream dengan dengan cream cheese, kacau rata
5. Celupkan biskut ke dalam air kopi. Susun beberapa keping dalam mangkuk kaca
6. Ratakan separuh campuran krim
7.Ayak serbuk koko diatasnya. Ulang langkah 5 hingga 7 sehingga habis biskut dan krim
8. Hiaskan dengan strawberries..
Recipe from I Luv Islam
Check out this one.. with mascarpone cheese.
Simple Sponge Cake