Sebiji kek hantaran berwarna putih dihiasi lingkaran pink dan bunga2 berwarna pastel. Sebiji kek yang amat mencabar. It is very challenging. Especially when the base fondant is purely white. Pastel color on white. Like Pink , Light purple , Lavender and such.
I had roses with all those colours. But when I was piping the Pink 'Corneli Lace'. My mind becoming blur. It was in the middle of late night. Nope.. It was early wee hour. I just didn't know what to do next. I just pipe lines of Light purple . Creating Lace effect on the cake. I have to forgo my earlier plan. It was impromptu. I just follow what ever sketched on my mind. Pasting pink blossoms and roses.
Bouquet of pastel colour roses. Weather was not so good. Panas membahang. The heat was unbearable even in those early hours. My Royal Icing hardly being hard. Forcing me to follow my instinct. Dah tak terday nak fikir lagi dah. Cucuk jer. Asalkan manis mata memandang. Colour, balanced. Done.
Sebiji kek menjaringkan satu rantaian. I had an order few weeks ago. Cupcakes for hantaran. Was cancelled then. Okaylah.. Tak de rezeki.. Then I received this call. It was 7 days ago. Since I have quite ample time. (Padahal dapur berserabut gila. Tengah buat extension dapur) I took the challenge. Saya terima tempahan dengan syarat kena bayar penuh. Deposit cash to my MBB Account. Tungu punya tunggu. Dah masuk Isnin. i have to start making flowers. Rainy seasons and with my kitchen yang agak panas berbahang, tak berapa bagus untuk fondant. I kena siapkan awal, letak bawah kipas . Biar dia mengeras.
Duit tak masuk2 juga. Then I received a call from my cousins's daughter. She was supposed to pay for the cake. Biasalah, orang2 kita kan. Saya sponsor kek hantaran awak. nanti awak pulak tolong saya. Tak gitu. Nak jadi cerita, she was warded and scheduled for a minor operation. Pula dah. Tak pe lah. So i informed the Girl yg buat tempahan. I'll send the cake to your house and ambil payment sekali. She sent me sms, "Payment Done, A friend of mine will collect from you, tomorrow morning".
And this morning, the Girl who cancelled the Hantaran Cuppies called. I was wondering. Why did she call me? I could not return call as my credit finitto. I was logged in in Maybank2U when she arrived. I was surprised when she said she came to collect the Hantaran Cake. And it was for the very girl whom she wanted to sponsor the Hantaran Cuppies before.
What a small world. Kalau dah rezeki memang tak ke mana... Tapi satu kek ni, macam-macam ceritanya. banyak lagi yang berlaku dalam menyediakan kek ni. Tapi biarlah...