My hubby's nephew asked for cupcakes. As he was far a way, down south in Johor Bahru, it was quite impossible. So, when his Mom came over to Kuala Lumpur, we baked him some.
We baked a lot actually. We baked for almost everybody. We baked for Mak Long, Kak Nana and hubby, Cik Acit, Auntie Rose, Abg Shahrul, Abg Erwin, Kak Eva, Sya, Bajun, Pitit and Lil Faiz. We baked the XL sizes. We baked SS sizes and Just Nice for Abg Farid and family 16pcs. Vanilla and Wallow in the Mud. I love to stress on my Wallow In The Mud choc cake. I got it from Chockylit. It is not Choc moist. But it is rich with choco flavor. And sweet. And like the mud itself. Not moist bud muddy texture. Where else Choc Moist a lil bit bitter. I realised the measurement for soda bicarb was more than baking soda. This is the reason of bitterness. For all choc moist recipe, we had to put more soda bicarb then baking powder.
Wallow in the Mud. Yupppp sweet. It was my own mistake for not tasting the raw ingredient. The chocolate was bitter sweet chocolate. Hello..... it was BITTER Sweet Chocolate. It never came accross in my mind that BITTER sweet chocolate is actually still very sweet. It taste like Nescafe tarik. You know. The one with full of Ummmphhhh. Its damn thick. Lots of Nescafe and lots of Cap Teko or Susu F&N(
the condensed milk brand). Yessss that sweet. So now I have to reduce a lil bit the amount of sugar.
Okay. Enough on the cake. Back to the event... hmm. My niece loves photography. She and her hubby, ahhh what a lovely couple and really meant together. And my cupcakes... they became the victims.... What else. Photo Shoot session. Never thought the cupcakes would look that nice. Anyway, we had a good time, Eating session, photo shoot session, photography class and scuba diving tooo????? So, Nana and hubby thanks for the free shoots and sessions. Sorry ek my pocoyo did a mess here and there.
After Setiawangsa, we headed to Uptown Kota Damansara. Sending my hubby's 8th brother to meet up their eldest brother. All in all I arrived home at about 2.30am on 12th of July 2009. And guesss whatttt......... to be continued...